STATUS 21/06/23: Obligatory "haha while since an update" comment. Yeah. Since last time, I have been working on a Rivals of Aether stage to accompany a fighter mod reveal, although I suspendedbothto join the Anime Characters Game Jam currently being hosted in the community. I also started working on this?? Gonna needsomework, but man why do I always make weird Undertale stages...
Art and Modding Galeries have been updated, go check those out!

STATUS 10/04/23: Hi, hope everyone's having a nice day!! Dropping by to update the Art Gallery. Man I've been watching a tooon more art related content recently; I've never been this motivatedin awhile!!! That page is gonna be poppin in a bit... but yeah, bye bye there

STATUS 19/03/23: I don't owe anyone, but reegardless, sorry for sleeping on the weekly tunes! I'll try to bring the pace back up again. I'm still interested in expanding the site, but I'm atadbusy, let's see where this goes...

STATUS 30/01/23: Site cleanup is done so I guess I can just use this more to talk about me, myself?? Tomorrow my college kicks back so I'll probably be a bit less active, but I just threw insomemore drawings over at art gallery and slotted in this week's jam, I'm actually thinking now of making a page just to archive all the weekly jams, sounds fun! Also, thank you for the follows and kind words in the guestbookrecently! I'mvery pleased with how the site currently is. Cheers!

STATUS 29/01/23: The last main corner that was missing, the Modding Corner, is now up! With this, I'd like to formally say the groundwork of the site is "done", although there's still so muchmoreI wanna do here, and of course there's stuff to routinely update like the Art Gallery and weekly tune (oh yeah that's new!!), so head's up for cool stuff still

STATUS 25/01/23: Did a bit more spring or winter (actually summer over here) cleaning, and added the Art Gallery finally! I deliberated on making it a more modern javascript type gallery,butdecided to just go classic with simple CSS, I know for sure that for an actual portfolio I wouldn't do it like this, but it's fun for a silly site!!

STATUS 24/01/23: Oh dang, it's been a while... late Happy New Year folks! I'll see to patching this place up a bit more in the coming days, but it's worth nothing that the bulk of what I foundtobe essential for the Hexchained branch has been done! I'd love if people'd check that out, I have some beloved OCs over there.

STATUS 29/08/22: I added the OC page but forgot to actually link it everywhere else. It's now linked. Currently there's a portal for [HEXCHAINED], but it's not near finished as I'm a bit busywithexams. Take care!

STATUS 16/08/22: Status bar added! Hello! About Me and Guest Book pages are up, and I am presently working on the OC (Original Characters) page!

STATUS 31/07/22: I'm back to tinkering this ol' place, and have put up a new coat of paint thanks to a dear friend!! (check them out, they're the only one in my friends tab LOL)